Love/Runner (2011)
Made in collaboration with J.T. Rinker during an artist residency at the Experimental Television Center, this video joins abstracted footage from Ridley Scott's 1982 film Bladerunner with My Bloody Valentine's album Loveless (1991).
(Digital Video)
2011, with J.T. Rinker
Love/Runner was produced in the fall 2011, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of My Bloody Valentine's epic LP, Loveless. The video uses footage from Bladerunner 1992 Director's Cut -- remixed at the Experiemental Television Center during one of the final residencies at the reveared artists' studio-- and pairs video selections with the album, creating a long-form music video. Love/Runner premiered at a fundraiser for flood relief to benefit the Southern Tier region of New York, that was home to the ETC for over 40 years.